Black Pussy Willow
Most of us have seen Pussy Willow. Even if it’s not in the ground, we see the cuttings on display in the grocery store floral department every year in the spring. The long stems are covered with soft silver catkins that are oh so soft to the touch.
If you buy them and put them in the ground, they will often sprout roots and grow into a water-loving shrub that can get very tall.
But have you ever seen a Black Pussy Willow?
The striking feature is the ebony-black catkins growing from reddish stems.
These come out in spring and function as the flowers for this shrub.
Since Pussy Willows have male and female bushes, it’s good to know which you are getting. On these shrubs, the catkins on the male plant are more impressive so see if you can find one.
They like full sun and soil that’s a bit more moist than usual.
If you can find one, consider adding it to your garden.