Gas Plant

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The gas plant (Dictamnus albus) earned its name from a volatile supposedly given off by the plant that supposedly can be burned to provide light.  Another nickname is “burning bush” due to its allegedly flammable stems and leaves.

Don’t confuse it with the other burning bush (euonymus) used as a hedge with its bright red autumn foliage.

When the leaves are bruised, they have a strong lemon scent that repels deer and rabbits, however bees and butterflies love it.

It is hardy to zone 3 so it would do well here in NJ. 

This woody plant grows up to 4’ tall and has lovely flower spikes appearing in early to mid-summer.  The foliage is a glossy green and the seed pods are often used in flower arrangements.  It’s drought-tolerant and not fussy about growing conditions but it does like sun.

Flowers are usually white but can be pink, red or purple.

If you can find this rare beauty, it would be a worthwhile addition to your garden.

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