Wouldn’t it be great to have a lawn that you can walk through with bare feet and not worry about all those chemicals?
Imagine a safe place for your pets and children to play without the danger of illness from pesticides and herbicides.
It’s really not all that difficult.
First, make sure that your soil is healthy. You can get a test kit from your local county extension service. Then add appropriate nutrients including Organic fertilizers.
Make sure that you use a grass seed mix for your area. Agway sells a ‘Morris County’ grass seed mix that is perfect for our area.
Once the grass is established, don’t water unless it’s necessary. By doing that, you encourage the grass to grow deep roots so it will be more likely to reach moisture during times of drought.
Let your grass stay a bit long. Adjust your mower to the highest height. This allows the grass to have more greenery and absorb sunlight and produce food.
Use organic weed and pest control It does make a difference.
And finally if you keep detailed records, you may be able to get your lawn certified as organic!